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iMort™ Lender
a data management system for loans, programs, products, pricing, and prequalifications.

iMort™ Engine
a product, pricing, and prequalification system that uses more than 2,500,000 data elements to make real-time pricing and loan option decisions using the patent pending
true BestEx technology.

iMort™ Consumer
a online application that allows the consumer to run different loan scenarios while applying for a mortgage loan by interfacing with the iMort™ engine.


iMort™ Software the mortgage industry can’t do without

With the newly released iMort version 3.2, it is easier than ever to deliver real-time products and pricing to your Originators and Consumers.
See our recent enhancements.

Traditional loan origination systems (LOS) are very good at one thing: taking loan data and moving it through a series of processes from the front to the back office. However, these processes, like the systems themselves, are not flexible and aren't designed to add value at the point of sale, where customers can benefit most. For lenders, the point of sale represents the primary focus in terms of efficiency, cost reduction, and increased revenue. By implementing the iMort web-based mortgage lending solution, lenders can streamline and integrate numerous steps in the loan origination process as well as move services and information up to the point of sale. The result is greater productivity, leading to increased sales, higher profit margins, and ultimately……more satisfied customers.

Automated program, product and pricing information with 24/7 access has become a reality.

The iMort™ Advantage
Data Management
Recent Enhancements
Originator Questions
Security Concerns
true BestEx
Pipeline Pricer
Engine Features

Join the quickly growing list of Mortrax customers, and you will witness an evolution in your business model. To learn more about the benefits of the iMort web-based technology and whether it is the best option for your origination process, contact a Relationship Manager at (305) 444-9010 or (888) 554-9010.